Sunday, December 13, 2009

Life in General

I sit at home watching the children play they have such an imagination especially the boys bryson and dakota they can come up with some pretty funny stuff. These are moments that cannot be taken for granted. Melissa always knows how to get her way about different things that she is allowed to do right now. They are our little children who are the best thing in life. Sometimes they are a pain in the rump but other times you are lost without them there is no in between. Sometimes it is hard to see your children grow up and off on their own. Sometimes I wished I could have spent more time with them when they were little but they are growing up and there is nothing that I can do about that except love them. A new year is coming and it is time for a change we are moving to Alanta, Georgia because there is nothing here in the way of jobs. People think that we are making a mistake but who wants to work from paycheck to paycheck for the rest of their lives? I have better dreams and plans for the future of my family, and better plans to make it on our own. I have always been an independant person from the age of 17 I have done it on my own since then with a little help here and there but mainly on my own. Sometimes I wonder how I have made it this far, and how I am still hanging on to the things that I love the most because faith is all we have and we should not lose it. I am telling my children everyday to have faith in everything that they do because it will always work out one way or another.

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"If you notice alot of the items in this country are made out of the country. We are hard pressed anymore to find items made here. AND if you want to talk to a person who does speak english, good luck with that!!!! Most calls are directed to Turkey, Iran, or heaven only knows where. (Believe me, I have tried to be nice to them but it is hard) If items we want are made in these great united states, there aren't enough of them. I have spent two weeks looking for one item for a special Christmas present only to be told that "it might be in" before Christmas. "

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